German Embassy, Trade Department
Dr. Claus Auer
zuständig für
- Allg. Wirtschaftspolitik
- Steuer-, Finanz- und Geldpolitik
- Währungspolitik
- Grundsatzfragen der
- Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu Drittstaaten
- Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Süd-
und Nordkorea
- Auslandsinvestitionen in Korea,
insbesondere deutsche Investitionen
- Koreanische Auslandsinvestitionen,
insbesondere in Deutschland
- Industriepolitik
We were very happy to meet Dr. Claus Auer who works for the Trade Department in German Embassy.
As you know, many korean are interested in the unification of Germany. The day when we had a presentation of German Embassy, most students asked that question to him. Of course, our team brought that into focus and added various information about German and German Embassy.
When we had dinner with Mr. Auer and our professors, we have enjoyed talking over our common subject and other humorous stories.
It is uncommon chance that we can meet a vice ambassador of German Embassy. We are very thankful to the University of Incheon to have this good chance.
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